BMW has issued a recall of certain 2008 F650GS motorcycles.
Due to production and assembly tolerances, the length of one or more of the front brake disc fasteners may be insufficient. If the length of a fastener was insufficient, this could result in the fastener not being tightened according to specifications. If this happened, the fastener could work loose from its threads. In some cases involving multiple fasteners, the brake disc could loosen, increasing the risk of a crash.
373 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
BMW Recalls 2008 F650GS Motorcycles for Brake Disc Fastener Defect
Labels: BMW, motorcycle maintenance, motorcycle recalls
BMW Recalls 2008 F650GS and F800GS Motorcycles for Chain Sprocket Problem
BMW has issued a recall of certain 2008 F650GS and F800GS motorcycles.
The tightening of the chain sprocket fasteners may have resulted in various levels of torque being applied. It is possible for the fasteners to work loose from the sprocket, increasing the risk of a crash.
509 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Labels: BMW, motorcycle maintenance, motorcycle recalls
God Lord, it's almost over!
How in God's name did the year get like this? It's in tatters! Tired and could 2008 have been so abused? I mean, I didn't really do anything that crazy this year. In fact I would have to admit to having been rather laid back and lazy. So how is it, when I look at the ass end of 2008...all I see are the tattered remains of a fat ass?
I dunno...I just dunno. Thinking back on 2008, it's been a rather unremarkable year. The best thing I can think of coming out of this year, is the fact I simply grow closer, and more dependent on Jeff. That's all I'm gonna say about him.
I have all these un-lived aspirations from the year of 2008. That is no one's fault but mine. It's amazing how easy it is to shirk off the things you dream of, and make excuses for not doing them. I've rarely done that in my past. If I wanted to do it, I found a way to do it.
Last week, I was on google looking for some places to ride to here on the east coast. I'm looking for things and places that have events other than large bike shows and rallies. I have found a number of things that look promising, and I have sent off to the communities hosting these events for more information. As the information comes in, I will blog about the possibilities I may see for a road trip!
Coming up very soon is the V-Twin Expo in know, that's not all that far from here...I'm wondering...if the weather will hold, I sure would like to just show up there...and meet up with all the people I know and haven't seen in a few years...yeah, I would like that....
I recently heard from a friend...someone I seemed to have lost contact with for a while. He had quite a bad accident with his bike this past year. He was wearing a helmet and still suffered severe head trauma. He is fighting to regain his abilities and get back on the bike and ride...God bless him...I know he will do it, stubborn and all that, not to mention, one has to lay down to die...and that just ain't Richard! You go man...and I'll be talking with you soon!
Pappy emailed me this morning to tell me about some strength exercises he does...they sound excellent for me...and I can't wait to start working on them! I'm stopping by a store on the way home to buy what I want to use to start with...and by tomorrow AM...I shall be doing some curling exercises to go along with my walking routine. I so badly want to get fit again.
I have also found the menu I created for myself back in the fall of '05. That was the year I lost over 40 pounds...and kept it off for 2.5 years...until I started getting stupid...and making lame excuses for I just have to work harder to get myself to a weight I feel good at, and hope I will still look good. Damn getting older still sucks!
OK, I'll let you all return to your normal lives now. Maybe by the start of the week, I will have a good riding story for you? I hope so.
Here's to a Fun New Year's Eve!
Please, I beg of you, do NOT have a "safe" New Year's Eve. I want you all to make it through alive and mostly undamaged, but please have as much fun as you can possibly cram into one night. Blow stuff up, drink too much, run around your neighborhood with no shirt on yelling for joy and eat junk food. Before you get into the liquor, do lurid wheelies up and down your street. Especially if there's snow. Do one of those smiley-face burnouts on your driveway.
Wake up tomorrow sore and ready to kick 2009's ass.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I've become disgusted with myself of late.
It has been somewhere around three months since I quit smoking, and in the course of trying not to smoke...I have, as thousands before me...picked up the awful habit of stuffing food in my mouth rather than a cigarette. we tell's for the sake of not smoking...I have to do something...DESTRUCTIVE to myself...or I just won't feel good about doing something CONSTRUCTIVE for myself.
I'm done with that kind of thinking. As you all who have been following me will attest to...I have been leaning towards getting healthier...what with the walks...I was about to say "and all", but I can't say I have and other "and all" healthy habits that I have been stressing on. Look, here it is in a nut shell. For the past several weeks, I have noticed things that are really distressing to me.
1. My fattest fat pants are no longer my fattest pants. In fact they are tight on me around the waist.
2. Bending over to put my chaps on....are you kidding me? I can barely do it...and certainly not in a single maneuver like I used to do.
3. I hate looking at my reflection. It isn't's someone who looks kinda like me...but she's as round as an apple...and has a fat face, and she just don't have that great smile anymore like she used to.
That woman in the mirror needs to work out, eat less, and smile more. So I have decided to work out an eating plan, as well as an activity plan for myself. I no longer will accept any excuses for having high fat food in my hands...heading for my mouth. I will no longer accept reasons for sitting on the couch rather than getting up and doing something, walking, cleaning the toilet, wiping the dogs butt...what ever...rather than sitting on the couch and watching TV. I vow...that whenever the urge to close my eyes and nap comes along...I will get my dead ass up and do something...anything, rather fall into that trap of laziness. God help me, I'm through with this shit.
OK, done for now. I have to get back to work.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Rode to work today.
OOOweeee, it was a cold one out this morning. Mom was gonna drive me into work the AM, but she must of had a bad night of it last night, because she wasn't moving at the appropriate know, the last five mins. before it's time to get in the car and get out of the Ponderosa and head for Dodge?
My dog Jock was sound asleep, I had to wake him up, help him get on his feet...and get his blind ass out the door to pee. Then lead him to the kitchen, and get him his breakfast and meds...I love that old doubt.
It's time to go, Mom is starting to stir...I tell her not to worry, I am gonna take the bike to work this morning. She tells me to be careful of the pipes with my will melt the material. OPPsss well, Ma, I already took care of that problem by putting on my old leather know, the tan ones that have three years of oil spray from the rockers on them? Over 100,000 K of oil on them? I may not look like I'm going to work as an executive Secretary...but then, I'm just temping for my sister at the County Mayor's office anyway! OH OH...I hope she don't become embarrassed over my dress code...pretty much try to look good, but be well ready for riding home in the fricken cold! I'm wearing my HD boots today...but at least my pants look good! Not wearing blue jeans!
I love riding, I don't care what the temps are, as long as the road conditions are snow, no ice...then I'm all up for a good ride...but I swear to God, I'm gonna go get gloves at the farm store at lunch today. The ride this morning was at 34 degrees, and no gloves. I want a good pair of goat skin those are soft, warm and fit well. Nothing like Kid skin to make your hands feel like pampered and cherished entities...I always seem to neglect my hands. All the same, I'm glad it's only six miles to was cold without gloves...and my sleeve of my jacket was handy, but not always effective to curl my fingers up in!
I love riding...gonna do it till I die an un-natural death.
From the halls of
I hardly see anything regarding this type of Motorcycle news. Having a large group such as SEMA to help us along with numbers and insider information is a valuable asset to us as a community. This bears watching, and support.
BIKERNET WORKS WITH INDUSTRY TO KEEP US FREE-- Irvine, California, December 16, 2008: Keith R. Ball, President of met with Tim Buche, President of the MIC, Grady Phieffer, GH Marketing and Ted Sands of Performance Machine regarding the viability of an aftermarket motorcycle support group. Recently during these tough economic times an opportunity surfaced to create a motorcycle aftermarket group under the umbrella of SEMA, the aftermarket industry group for the Hot Rod and automotive industry, which represents over 7,500 members. "Timing is everything," said Ball. "Years ago this was attempted, but the motorcycle industry lacked a unified voice. Fortunately we still have this opportunity to step up, band together and protect our industry through SEMA or the MIC."
In this economic climate SEMA brings a large variety of services and benefits to the custom motorcycle aftermarket, the builders, dealers and the motorcycle rights groups such as the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation):
Business Resources & Solutions
SEMA Membership Directory Freight Savings Plan (Siriani) Property & Liability Insurance Savings Program (SEIA) Manufacturer Credit Reporting Group (SCRG) Mailing Labels for 7,000 Plus Companies Industry Classified Ad Postings/Listings Comprehensive Industry Calendar of events Retail Credit Card Program (CarCareONE)
Market Research
Ongoing research reports, including • Market Study • Annual Light Truck Accessorization • Trends & Forecasts • Diesel Market • Compact Performance Market • Mobile Consumer Electronics
OEM Relations & Programs
Hands-on access to new vehicles (Measuring Sessions) OEM-provided CAD/CAM drawings (Technology Transfer) Vehicle Technology Conference Dealer Relations Installer Certification Licensing Warranty Program (ProPledge)
Educational & Training Programs
National Education Conference (NEC) Live seminars Webinars Installer Certification Programs Internet Symposium Sponsored by SCC Internship Opportunities Scholarships & Loan Forgiveness
Government Advocacy/Legislative Programs
Professional lobbying staff (Federal & State) Legislative alerts and comprehensive website Grass-root Enthusiast Support/SEMA Action Network (SAN) Political Action Committee (PAC) Quarterly PAC Newsletter
World-Class Trade Shows
SEMA Show SEMA Spring Expo SEMA OFFROAD PAACE Automechanika and Salon de SEMA MPMC Media Trade Conference
Councils & Committees
Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO) Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) Light-Truck Accessory Alliance (LTAA) Manufactures Rep Council (MRC) Motorsports Parts Manufacturers Councils (MPMC) Professional Restylers Organization (PRO) Sport Compact Council (SCC) Wheel & Tire Council (WTC) SEMA Businesswomen’s Network (SBN) Young Executive Network (YEN)
International Resources International Market Reports International Buyers’ Guide Consumer Affairs & Public Relations International Support at Domestic Shows
Industry Communications
Monthly Trade Magazine, SEMA News • Bi-Monthly SEMA Member News within SEMA News Weekly Electronic Newsletter, SEMA eNews Financial Newsletter, Financial Fax Comprehensive websites
"This was especially exciting for me because I was a charter member of the ARMO Council that represents the automotive restoration market," said Seth Doulton, President of Horsepower Productions. "I served on and headed up the licensing and OE relations committee, and I can tell you first hand that it was the best thing in my 35 years in the market place to ever come down the road. The restoration industry has benefited three fold by the networking that is strengthened by SEMA's leadership and power. The motorcycle industry has needed this for many years. We need to build a strong team so that SEMA knows we are for real."
Another meeting is scheduled during the Cincy V-Twin Expo show to discuss this effort with the Industry, SEMA and MIC members, Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. This is a not-to-be- missed meeting during the biggest aftermarket trade show for the custom motorcycle industry.
"This could be the chance of a lifetime for our industry," said Ball. "Especially in this current economic climate, but it's up to us to get involved." This committee will be open to any members of our industry on the American or Metric side, manufacturers, clubs, shops, dealers, builders or individuals. A major goal of this committee will be to support motorcycle rights groups around the world including the MRF with 60 state charters and 250,000 members. "Our primary goal is to keep the custom industry free and vibrant in the coming years," Ball said.
For more information contact: Keith R. Ball (310) 830-0630
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Triumph Recalls 2008 Rocket III Touring Motorcycle for Pannier Rail Weld Defect
Triumph has issued a recall of certain 2008 Rocket III Touring motorcycles.
There could be a missing weld on the back of the pannier rail. The pannier rail may, after time, be weakened leading to a full fracture of the rail and possible loss of pannier and rail from the motorcycle, increasing the risk of a crash.
8 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Top 10 Motorcycle Pictures of the Year 2008 from Motorcycle Views
The top ten motorcycle pictures were picked from pictures submitted to Motorcycle Views in 2008. The pictures are not ordered. They include three pictures of women on motorcycles, four pictures of men on motorcycles, and three pictures of motorcycles only.
The pictures were chosen for a variety of reasons. I looked at each picture, read each description, and picked those pictures that held my interest.
Check out the Top 10 Pictures for 2008.
Friday, December 26, 2008
I'm taking a Holiday Break, so...
I won't be posting anything this week.
Be sure and come back to visit.
I'll do my best to make next year even better!
Labels: Holidays, Other's Art
Back to Work
Well, that was a refreshing day off.
This morning I rode in to work. Lady Luck has the day off, as do most of the people in our state. The problem with being a professional computer nerd is there always needs to be one dork on duty. It's my turn in the barrel today.
I didn't see anyone else on their bikes this morning. Not even one other motorcycle. I mean, sure, it's kind of chilly, and the roads were wet, and it was dark out, but come ON! I can't believe how few people ride during the winter here in the desert. Here, as anywhere else, if you only ride on the nice days, you only get to ride once or twice a year. What's the point of that?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Toy Run 70's Style
Since this time of year tends to be a time of reflection, I decided to post some Toy Run pictures from Dec. 10, 1978.
Our local group of hooligans from Downey met others at U.S. Motorcycles in Lynwood CA.
In those days the Modified Motorcyle Association held Toy Runs in two stages. First, small groups from shops and homes would meet for the ride to Griffith Park. Then, once everyone was gathered at Griffith Park, a parade of bike would ride to Pasadena's City Hall.
The ride from the shops to Griffith Park was always cool. As your small group rode down the freeway it would hook up with other groups coming up the on ramps. To the surprise of many a caged motorist, bikes began taking over the early morning road. With the number of bikes growing so large you felt like you could do what ever you pleased. That translated into wild riding and the passing of beers (stashed in saddlebags), from passengers to riders and from bike to bike.
St. Nick greets bikers entering Griffith Park.
And they just kept coming.
Once at Griffth Park, it was time to check out the bikes, people watch, drink beer, and line up for the parade of bikes to Pasadena.
Each bike was given a yellow run flag.
Bikes and Bikers filling the spaces between the trees.
I believe the estimated attendance was 15,000 -20,000 bikers.
My crew.
One of the few bikes I shot that day was this well ridden chop. The sweeping sissy bar brace, long narrow springer, Sportster headlight and 15" radial car tire all scream Dick Allen/South Bay (beach cities L.A.), style.
The cops escorted and held back the cages at the lights and freeway ramps so there could be an unbroken 10 mile chain of bikes two abreast parading towards Pasadena. It was said, as the first bikes arrived in Pasadena, many bikes still hadn't left Griffith Park.
We parked on the outskirts of city hall to watch the non stop parade of bikes.
Your young author. It was the 70's. A time when everybody wore a mustache and nobody wore a helmet!
Plaid, denim, and bell bottoms ruled before the black t-shirt brigade completely took over.
Long bikes were still hip in 78.
The growing bounty on the steps of Pasadena City Hall. Stuffed animals are clearly the easiest toys to strap on bikes.
A few years later the MMA stopped the hard to coordinate two stage events. Instead they just became big gatherings (not really runs), that took place in a designated parking lot, like at the Sports Arena in Exposition Park.
They were all good times but, the two stage runs were the best.
Labels: Chopper History, Holidays, My History
Harley-Davidson Guarantees Sportster Trade-in Value
Even in these tough economic times, Harley-Davidson has found a way to lure more customers into their showroom: Allow trade-ins at the original sale price.
Harley has a plan to allow their customers who have already purchased a recent Sportster to trade it in on a larger model but essentially cancel the depreciation on the Sportster. Here's an excerpt from an article by Rick Barrett of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
"Harley-Davidson Inc. (HOG) has announced a new motorcycle purchase program that guarantees the trade-in value of a Sportster when traded for one of the company's more expensive bikes.
Harley riders who either buy a new Sportster or trade in their recently purchased Sportster between Dec. 26 and March 31 will get the bike's original manufacturer's suggested retail price when they trade up to one of Harley's Big Twin or VRSC motorcycles." -- Rick Barrett, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel
Read the complete story.
Christmas Eve...
Quite frankly, I'm surprised I have made it this late into the year of 2008. Not that it makes me unhappy...any day I wake up is a good day! This year, it will be me, Jeff, and Mom on Christmas Day...that works out just large meals, no special house cleaning...I don't have to make my bed if I don't feel like fact...if I don't want to get outta my COMFIES (pajamas) I don't have to! Now that makes me smile!
Mom's cat is a present peeker. He don't care whose name is on the package, You can count on him to bite a hole in the corner...and tear off the bows...not to mention batting the balls off the tree...and on one of the trees, mom has little Robbin's egg and nests hanging...the little black rat likes to knock them off the tree...and play skittles with them. I keep finding them in the pantry, which is where all things kitty end up. You lose an ear ring? Go to the pantry, cuz that's where the black rat bastard batted it to during the night.
Today, the temps are going to be in the high 50's. I still have Christmas shopping to do, and the items are small enough, I can ride my bike to do the shopping. That will cut down on looking for parking...but...I will also have to be on the look out twice as diligently in order to keep the little girls on cell phones, the blue hairs who can't see over the steering wheel, and the red necks with gun racks from running me over...! Not too bad...I can do it!
OK y'all...
Have a great Christmas, enjoy your Christmas Dinners, and the round of family you will be seeing today and tomorrow...
And God bless every one ya...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
All My Garage Wants For Moto-mas
I don't know about you, but I think this is just chock full of holiday spirit.
I've been dumpster diving....
but I've never found anything like this before....the following story is from PR Web at
Ace Motorcycle Rare Drawings from 1919 Found in Dumpster!
In 1919, at the end of the World War One, a significant set of drawings was created. They would be lost for the next 90 years, until discovered in a trash bin; it seemed their fate was to end up in a land fill. Instead, they will be sold at the Mid-America Auction, which will be held at the South Point Hotel in Las Vegas on January 10th 2009.
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) December 23, 2008 -- In 1919, at the end of the World War One, a significant set of drawings was created. They would be lost for the next 90 years, until discovered in a trash bin; it seemed their fate was to end up in a land fill. Instead, they will be sold at the Mid-America Auction, which will be held at the South Point Hotel in Las Vegas on January 10th 2009.
The Ace Four: the finest thing on two wheels!
After spending much of my adult life looking for this type of treasure, it was overwhelming to find what represents the finest work of the most renowned designer in American motorcycle history. And to think they were headed for a landfill; when I found them, I had goose bumps for a week.
During the World War I era, a number of early manufacturers went out of business or were bought up by stronger companies. William Henderson, who is still considered America's most creative motorcycle designer, sold his company to a German immigrant, Ignatius Schwinn, who started making bicycles in Chicago in 1895. The Henderson had a fine reputation as being America's most luxurious, elegant, and expensive four cylinder motorcycle. Schwinn felt he had taken ownership of the "best of the best" and added it to his Excelsior Line. Despite signing a non-compete clause, Henderson was unhappy and soon began plans for a finer and even more elegant replacement, the ACE.
Henderson would call it "The Ace Four: the finest thing on two wheels!" He began drawing the plans for his elegant new ACE and searching for investors to help finance the new factory. As soon as his non-compete expired production began. Money would eventually run out, and while searching for the finances needed to complete his machine, production was moved, and even discontinued a couple of times.
One tragic cold day, Dec. 11th 1922, Henderson was test riding the new Ace and was struck by a car and killed. Within weeks his assistant, Arthur Lemon, completed the final drawings, and then sold the rights to Indian Motorcycle Co., America's largest manufacturer. Indian produced the bike as the Ace, then Indian Ace, and finally as their own brand, the Indian Four. During the 1930s, it went on to become America's only luxury motorcycle, akin to a Duesenberg or Cord.
The original drawings, numbering approximately 400 pieces, disappeared from view. Lost in the files of the massive Indian Company, the Henderson Ace drawings were assumed to have been destroyed in 1953, when Indian went out of business. Astonishingly, the new owner, Bill Melvin, found the drawings as they were being placed in a dumpster and headed for a land fill. They had sat under layers of dust in a warehouse for years. Bill Melvin says "After spending much of my adult life looking for this type of treasure, it was overwhelming to find what represents the finest work of the most renowned designer in American motorcycle history. And to think they were headed for a landfill; when I found them, I had goose bumps for a week."
The drawings are each signed and dated by William Henderson and Arthur Lemon; they were done on a cloth material and are in beautiful condition. They still rest in the old envelopes from the Indian factory They have added significance in that many of Henderson's inventions are still in use in today's machines.
Please direct questions to Bill Melvin 616-450-0640.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Harley-Davidson Recalls 2009 FXD, FXDB, FXDC, FXDF, and FXDL Motorcycles for Jiffy Stand Defect
Harley-Davidson has issued a recall of certain 2009 FXD, FXDB, FXDC, FXDF, and FXDL motorcycles.
The jiffy stand spring anchor may have been built with a defective weld that may allow the jiffy stand assembly to not retract as intended. This condition could lead to a crash which could cause injury or death to the rider.
3285 units are affected.
Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Pictures of downtown...
Yesterday went well. Diane's boss was out of town, in Nashville all day. I think I answered the phone all of six times...twice was the same guy, who I kept losing when I transferred his call to another extension. (I didn't remember to push the "transfer" button TWICE!) Poor guy, bet he was thinking he was dealing with a moronic nutcase! He would have been only half right!
This is the court house where Diane's office is located. Can you imagine me...a pierced and tattooed biker lady...working just down the hall from the rooms where lady justice stands blind folded? I'm useally the one standing in front of that lady hoping my lawyer is as good as he thinks he is!
Now this also stands right in front of the court house. It's the traffic circle there. It's a nice simple monument to the military men and women who gave their lives in all the wars and conflicts for the United States. A little deeper into the town, there is a kind of wall, that lists the names of the dead. This town does honor it's military...and that's something to be proud of. I will one day soon take a walk down the road that is dedicated to these guys and gals. I will take pictures and post them here on the blog, it's amazing how beautiful it is...most small town's memorials tend to look cheap and sloppy, not to mention forgotten! Not ours!
Next on the walking tour comes the covered bridge. As I told you earlier, I feel this is one of the most beautiful covered bridges i have ever encountered! I've lived in Lancaster PA. and I've travelled about the NE a little...I've seen my share of covered bridges...I wish it was fall instead of winter. I would love to show you the fall colors and the reflective quailities that make this bridge so lovely! Here are a few more shots of the bridge. Then the tour is over for the day...I have to go back to work for Diane today...
One last thing before I go...Diane likes Christmas...she's decorated her office with stuff she collects from home. Here are some pictures of what she's done to brighten her office...nice touch Diane.
So I guess the next thing I should do...
Is wish all of you a really great Christmas...
Just in case you don't make it back here before Christmas comes....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Blog, a Bike, and Inspiration
Then came Hirschberg... and an inspiring machine.
Today I stumbled on to this photo of Dick Hirschberg and his cool cut down 69 shovel. It was found on Irish Rich's new blog Homage. His blog is mostly geared to the honorable task of paying tribute to the Heroes that inspire him. A duty I try to do myself every now and then.
I was jazzed to find the photo since I'm always on the hunt for cool swing arm bikes to serve as inspiration for my 65 Pan. Looking at the photo, I couldn't help thinking of Then Came Bronson and not just because of his sailor's watch cap. The pared down big twin takes on a Sportster look aided in part with what appears to be a 18" rear wheel. It also has the same English (Lucas), style tail light/license mount and similar (bobbed), fender treatment as the Bronson bike.
The man that launched a million Watch Caps. I bought one myself.
Dick's bike was built the same year (1969), the show aired. Is there a connection? Bud Ekins did and coordinated the stunts for the pilot film and TV series. Rich's blog mentions that Von Dutch did engine turning, lettering, striping, and engraving on Dick's bike. We also know that Dutch worked off and on for Bud. Did Von Dutch have a hand in the Bronson bike? Was Dick's bike influenced by the Bronson bike, the other way around, or was this just the style of the times?
Bronson sans a cap. Note the tail light and bobbed fender.
Information for the Bronson Sportster can be found at:
I went back to that website to see what it said. I had read the information there before but, forgot the details. It has interview statements from Bud Ekins saying that he was the one who customized the Sportster and the other bikes used in the show. It also has a MGM press release listing all of the mods done to the Bronson bikes with additional comments from Ekins. Von Dutch is never mention.
Did Bud actually do the physical work or did he have Von Dutch or someone else perform it? Whoever actually did the work, the Bronson and Hirschberg bikes are more or less connected through the Dutch /Ekins relationship.
From the same era. A proud Kenneth Howard displaying his handy work. Although the fender is not bobbed, it features the same English style tail light/license set up.
Ideas, influence, and inspiration come from different sources but, in the end, everything is connected.
Somewhere I once read, "There's a little Von Dutch in all of us".
Labels: Bronson, Chopper History, Sportsters, TCB, Von Dutch
Not at home...
My sister Diane, works for the County Mayor, as his Executive Secretary. She's called in sick today, says she ate something bad last night. Everyone else around here says it's a stomach virus that has been going around the county offices. One of the other secretaries brought in some disinfectant spray...I sprayed the keyboard and the phone just to be sure I don't get what the heck ever it is she has...bad jue-jue going round these offices, I suppose. Oh well, the reason I'm here at the County Mayor's office? I fill in for Diane, at times...when she's sick, or on her vacation days.
I brought my camera with me. She works in the historic district of downtown. I wanted to take my walk down here and get pictures of the area anyway. She is a block away from one of the prettiest covered bridges I have ever seen, and there is a nice walking trail that leads along the river banks here...if it ever quits raining, I hope to get some pictures!
I've had some requests for more pictures of the banks of Buffalo Creek...and again, if it ever quits raining, I will be happy to get some photos of the banks there near the house. We have some interesting trees and root systems, not to mention a family of ferret fellows have made their home nearby on that bank somewhere.
Oh, man...getting up this morning was a real smasher. I mean, I didn't have a problem with getting up myself, but my dog...the poor guy...would have rather stayed asleep for an hour or more longer! He's 15 years old, and will be 16 in March...he's gotten to where he likes to sleep in until around 8.30 9.00, before he gets up for his "shit, shower, and shave." Now concider this, he is very much the the only part of the three "S's" he adheres to anymore is the shitting part. After that, it's into the kitchen for breakfast and morning meds. Once breakfast is inhaled, he once again heads for the great outdoors...just to make sure everything has come out just as it should have.
Jock is blind now. Not to mention he has Author in the joints of his hips, spine, hips, and legs. So I have to wake him him get his surroundings back...massage his hind legs so he can him stand up by picking him up by his hips...steady him till he knows where he is and why he's up...then lead the way to the door for him. He's a great and loyal friend...I love him loads. I'll be sure to upload a picture of him soon...and introduce him to all of you!
We also have a cat in the house. Yes, he is strictly a house kitty. He's been de-clawed, and is an effeminate kind of kitty. Meaning, I took him to have his ball bearings removed long before he even knew what they were...much less where they were. Felix is a long hair black cat. He's intelligent guy, hates to be a lap kitty, loves to fight with Jeff...but he realizes he is not allowed to fight with Mom or me...has to be a lover around us! So Felix waits to ambush Jeff in the early morning hours...on the dark stairs. He will attack Jeff's ankles as he descends the stairs, or he will lie his entire body length out on one of the steps...I think the cat wants to trip Jeff up, and send him sprawling down the stairs. For what possible reason...I don't know, since Jeff is the only one in the house who will play with him the way he wants to be played with...I mean, if Felix hurts Jeff, then who will play mean with the cat?
OK, well this is all for now, I'll write more tomorrow, and post pictures as well. For tonight, when I get home, I will have to go Christmas shopping. I hate this time of year...I never get everything done on time. Aw well...wish me luck at the stores...
Labels: work work work
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Merry Finking Christmas
Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, by Pete Millar.
This is one of the original pieces of art on exhibit in Pasadena last summer. It was the cover art for the comic Pete Millar presents... Big Daddy Roth, Dec. 65-Jan. 66. Only four issues were produced. Like I said in earlier posts Roth and Pete are Hero's of mine. Both left us too soon.
Labels: Art Hero, Other's Art
Chopper Fest etc.
Random thoughts about the Chopper Fest, the Jack Off Journal, Old Timers ,Young Guns, and Bikes.
These musings are in response to reading the JJ. They are just my opinions and reactions from reading the posts. You might want to go and check the post yourself. All photos were grabbed from that site.
I almost never visit The Jack Off Journal but, because I didn't go to the DMCF, I figured there would be pictures posted of what I missed. I'm not member and after reading some of the other threads and about the show, it reminded me why, for the most part, I hate forums. Who needs a bunch of tit for tat B.S. between strangers, coupled with lot's of misinformation. Then there's that senior members thing.
About the show: Judging at shows always sucks. Also keep in mind that the name David Mann Chopper Fest, is mostly a marketing tool. "The Shop" used to just have a swap meet in December and a Antique show and swap in June. The first year of the Fest was the same year David Mann died and it was a tribute to him. My guess is that they wanted to make the December event bigger and since Choppers (thanks to TV), were back in style, it all fell in place.
In regards to what's in the show and how it's judged: I prefer true old school chops and bobs and I too would like to only see them featured in the show but remember, as the years progressed, the bikes Dave portrayed reflected the changing styles of the bikes featured in Easyriders. Also, the turn out wouldn't be as great.
As for Dave's art, one year I never even saw where it was displayed. Last year I found them poorly displayed in a building in the back of the Fairgrounds.
I'm not as totally jazzed with the pictures from the show as many of the JJ readers. Maybe it's my mood today or because I've seen a lot of the bikes before. Yeah some are sort of cool and others I can totally appreciate the craftsmanship but, I'm also really picky about what I like. Therefore, I always find it hard to completely like the way any one bike is done up.
Bobbers are supposed to be Bad Ass not Metrosexual.
The clean Bobber (above), that everybody seems to be drooling over is an example of what I mean. I saw it at El Camino and didn't like it much. It's pretty and a really nicely built bike but, does anybody else think it's a tad too fancy and bright? The color the fender trim and color coordination? Would you'd ever see a bobber like this in the 50's? Paint it all black (including the bars and headlight), take off the stainless trim and it would kick ass.
Then there's those the red wheeled white wall primer bikes (I hate'm), you see today. Seems everybody is forgetting history. Nobody ever built bikes like that until recently.
It pisses me off the way the term bobber is tossed about today. I need to do a post on that subject.
Another Metrosexual Bobber. Nice craftsmanship but... save the white walls and color coordination for a dresser. I spy a god awful red wheel with white wall in the distance.
This is more like it, but I'd still lose the green stuff. That's just me again.
Crappy, Slow, Built To Pose. Dumb shirt/Lousy art. When you were born don't mean shit. Cool dudes and "A" holes come in all ages.
On the subject of Young Guns vs. Old Guys:
For perspective, I'm 53 and have been into the bike scene since before I was old enough to ride. Does that make me an old guy? My guess is that many old timers have lost touch with the old style because they've kept moving on with the trends to the point where there's a disconnect.
It cracks me up that builders like Perewitz is now building "Bobbers". That's actually an incorrect use of the term as he's really just building an early style chopper. Maybe I'm wrong or not quite old enough but, I never remember him building that style of bike. All the old bikes I saw were pretty much those low stretched pointy bikes that some call Diggers. He admits the "bobbers" he's building now are simple to build and selling better than his usual customs.
Here's an example of a couple of things: differing taste and the way things change. It's a very cool bike and one of the ones I liked from the CF post but, I personally prefer primary covers on 60's style bikes.
It's also an example of a new take on an old style: The mid controls are done in a newer way. Same could be said for the pipes. I lean to a more a traditional approach to both.
These days, I seem to be more aligned with what the younger guys are building. I'm glad that they appreciate, keep alive, and embrace the old ways but, like what happens in fashion, it's a new take on an old style. For example: If you check the old magazines you'll find that almost nobody only custom painted the tanks and fenders on black framed bikes. They usually painted and molded the frames to match. The new way is not as costly and more practical.
Here's an example of custom paint, done only on the tank and fender. Nice bike but the front end being from a late model is too modern for me. I warned you, I'm picky!
One of the best bikes posted from the show, but again it begins to lose me at the front end. I would have liked it so much more if it had an earlier Sportster front end. I'd also lose the double lights. Picky, picky, picky!
Really the bottom line: Variety is the spice of life, you can't please everyone, to each their own, like what you want, and it's all for fun.We should be building bikes to suit ourselves anyway.
If I pissed anyone off, oh well... Screw you guys, I'm out'ta here.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Moto Holiday Shopping
You know what's great? Zipping past all the cars in the parking lot and parking right up next to the store you need to get in to.
Motorcycles are freakin' awesome.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Charactors in my neighborhood
Well, ok...went for my walk of the neighborhood today...and while not "everyone" I wanted to introduce you to was around...those who were...well check 'em out yourself!
Now, I'm not sure if this gal is Thelma....or if she's Louise, but Mr. Butterworth tells me he has named his gals....Thelma and Louise....
I like to take pictures of old out buildings, sheds and barns...this one is close to my home...and on my walk...what ya think? Like old weathered boards too?
As I have mentioned before...some of us grow a nice garden...this is the December ruins of a neighbor's summer garden....I love it here, I really do!
Of course I would be remiss in my little tour, if I didn't give you a shot of the creek that runs behind my house...I sure hope you all enjoyed the tour...
Century Motorcycles Xmas Party
Too many things to do this time of year!
Kenny was tight with Century owner Cindy Rutherford. Note that this invite says 11th annual in 1987. They've been doing this for awhile.
Here in So Cal we had the Mooneyes show on Saturday followed by the Chopper Fest Sunday.
I'd been going to the The Moon show since the early nineties. It used to be a really cool informal (free), gathering at their shop and was the official Rat Fink Xmas Party. You could go check out the cool and crazy rods, bikes, and greet Ed Roth while he was striping and signing stuff. The good people at Moon also let other pin stripers and artist set up and sell there wares. In return they were asked to donate some art for the raffles. I did that myself for 4 years.
The Moon show outgrew the shop (cops shut it down in 1999 or 2000?), and it had to be moved to a larger location 3 times. Eventually Moon had to start charging the artists and began to let vendors set up. It lost it's charm. I heard if you were late you couldn't park. I stopped going and for the last 2 years sold my art at the Chopper Fest instead.
This year I wasn't keen to getting up at 4:00 a.m. or driving 90 miles so, I choose not to sell at or attend the CF.
Dig that crazy sign! I love this stuff. Today everything is pseudo mediterranean/mission style.
There's another annual party that I knew of but, had slipped my mind until I received an email from Keith Ball. He reminded me that Century Motorcycles in San Pedro was having their annual party Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, I was running late and it was getting chilly so, I thought I could just ride by and turn back if nothing was happening. I got there about 2 p.m. and the crowd was wanning but found that Keith had just pulled in, a few bikers were still hanging out, and it was sunny. Then another buddy pulled up followed by a good friend of Keith's.
We interrupt this story for a quickie bike feature!
My buddy Ron's 58 Sporty was one of the star attractions. Excuse the less than perfect photos but, I had to post them.
Ron's an Ironhead and Performance Freak. You gotta see this bike in person to appreciate all the fine work.
Ron shaves, cleans, drills and massages every bracket and fitting before it goes on one of his machines. Rear drum is a rare XRTT unit.
Keith dug Ron's bike and plans to do a complete feature on
Now back to the story.
Century has been having Xmas parties since 1976 and also hosts an annual Father's Day party. It had been years' since I attended one so I was curious to visit the shop plus, I enjoy these types of small intimate gatherings more than large crowded events.
Another damn blurry pic! Keith's Sturgis shovel was also a crowd favorite. It was usually surrounded by several onlookers.
British bikes abound.
Hungry Bikers chow down while another eats up the sights.
This Vinnie merited a second look
Don't know the history but it's safe to say this bike's special.
Bikes were cleared out for dinning. The motorized baby carriage was later driven out front by Cindy.
Here's Cindy blowing minds and setting speed records in the worlds fastest baby carriage at El Camino. Photo: Gleeped from unknown blog.
Not just put up yesterday to look cool. When was the last time you were in a shop with history like this?
Bill Cotton memorial wall. Bill's Ashes are in the peanut tank. We should all have such a tribute.
Circa 1963. Not much has changed. Photo: Century Motorcycles website
Simple pleasures: Riding on a crisp day, talking with buds, checking out machinery, and visiting an old timey MC Shop, makes for a memorable time.
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- Gunbus (1)
- guns (1)
- GWRRA (1)
- H-D Art (5)
- H.D (26)
- Habitat for Humanity (1)
- haiku (1)
- half (2)
- Half-Baked Philosophy (7)
- Halloween (2)
- hand quilted quilts (1)
- hands (1)
- Hank Williams (1)
- Hardley David (3)
- Harely Davidson Sportster (1)
- harley (2)
- harley davidson (1)
- Harley Davidson (6)
- Harley-Davidson (63)
- Harley-Davidson pictures (33)
- Harley-Davidson Tri Glide (3)
- Harry Hurt (1)
- hat (1)
- Hawaii (1)
- hay fields (1)
- Hazard County (1)
- Hazard Kentucy (1)
- HD (1)
- head (1)
- headlines (1)
- Headphones (1)
- headstone (1)
- Health (1)
- heat (1)
- Heavy Metal Will Never Die (1)
- helmet (5)
- Helmet/Tank Art (2)
- helmets (1)
- Helmets (1)
- Henry's (4)
- Hern's Mill Covered Bridge (1)
- hero (1)
- heroes (1)
- Hico West Virginia (1)
- High on the Hog (1)
- HIKING (1)
- hiking in western north Carolina (1)
- Hildebrand and Wolfmüller (1)
- hill country (1)
- hipora (1)
- History (2)
- Hitler (1)
- hjc (1)
- Hoka Hey (1)
- hole in the wall (1)
- Holidays (48)
- Holidays and Special Days (1)
- Honda (49)
- Honda CBR 250 (2)
- Honda motorcycle pictures (4)
- Honda Shadow (1)
- Honda Shadow pictures (10)
- Honda Vario 125 fi (2)
- honk (1)
- Hoover Dam (1)
- horn (3)
- Horsepower (1)
- horses (2)
- hot (3)
- hot rod (1)
- Hot Springs NC (2)
- hot-rods (1)
- how (1)
- how to (2)
- HRD (1)
- (1)
- Hummer (1)
- Humor (21)
- Hurt Report (1)
- Husaberg (1)
- Hyosung (1)
- Hyosung GT 650N (1)
- Hyosung GT 650N LE (1)
- I Need To Avoid Dealerships (1)
- IL. WI. MO. US Highway 51 (1)
- illustrator (4)
- improved (1)
- In the Year 2525 (1)
- inch (1)
- India (3)
- Indian (11)
- Indian Chief (1)
- Indian Larry Tribute Bike (1)
- Indian motorcycles (7)
- Indian Motorcycles (1)
- Indian trade marks (1)
- Indiania (1)
- Indians (6)
- indonesia (3)
- inexpensive (1)
- information (23)
- Insanity (1)
- installation (3)
- instructions (1)
- Insurance (2)
- Interesting (1)
- international (7)
- International Motorcycle Fail (1)
- Introduction (1)
- Iron (1)
- Iron Cross (1)
- Iron Furnace (1)
- Iron Works (2)
- It's Personal (1)
- Italian (1)
- Italy (2)
- j p cycles (1)
- J.A.P (2)
- Jack Lewis (1)
- Jack Riepe (2)
- Jack Roush (1)
- jacket (2)
- Jakarta (3)
- James Parker (1)
- James Starley (1)
- Japan (5)
- Jay Leno (2)
- jazz (1)
- Jesus (1)
- Jim Bortles (1)
- Jimmy Bortles (1)
- JoAnn Bortel (2)
- JoAnn Bortles (2)
- JoAnne of Crazy Horse Paint Shop (1)
- Jock (1)
- Joe Hurst (30)
- Joe Motorcycle (1)
- John Deere (1)
- Johnny Cash (3)
- Johnson City (2)
- Johnson City TN. (1)
- Jonesbrough (1)
- Jonway (2)
- Joseph Merkel (1)
- JR. (1)
- JUNIOR (1)
- junk yards (1)
- jupiter mx (1)
- Jurassic cars (6)
- Justin Ross (1)
- justin ross band (1)
- KaffeeMaschine (1)
- Kansas City (1)
- Kawasaki (28)
- Kawasaki Ninja (1)
- Kawasaki pictures (3)
- Keith Wandell (1)
- Kentucky (2)
- Kentucky Coal Museum (1)
- kickstart (1)
- Kimber 1911 (1)
- Kindle (1)
- Kingdom Come State Park (1)
- Kingsport Veteran's Park (1)
- knives (1)
- knucklehead (3)
- Knuckleheads (10)
- KTM (4)
- KTM Super Duke 1290 (1)
- kuryakyn (1)
- Kuryakyn (1)
- KY (1)
- KY. (1)
- L.A (7)
- La France (1)
- Ladetto-Blatto (1)
- ladies jackets (1)
- Ladies Like'm Long (9)
- Lake (1)
- Lake Hughes (1)
- lamborghini (1)
- lambretta (1)
- landscapes (1)
- Las Vegas (1)
- launching (14)
- Law Suits (1)
- Laws (1)
- Leaf show (1)
- learn to ride a motorcycle (1)
- lease (1)
- Leather (8)
- Leather jacket (1)
- Leathers (2)
- Lehman (1)
- Lehman trikes (1)
- LENS (1)
- Leonhardt Manufacturing (1)
- lesson (1)
- Levenworth KS (1)
- LH COLT (1)
- Liberty (1)
- license (1)
- lid (1)
- Life Style (32)
- Lifters (1)
- Light Manufacturing Co. (1)
- Lightning (1)
- Limestone Tennessee (3)
- Linkbait (1)
- links (11)
- Linky Love (1)
- Linville Falls NC (1)
- List (8)
- Little Coal River Trailhead (1)
- Little Switzerland (1)
- Live (1)
- llano (1)
- log building (1)
- log cabin (2)
- Log Cabins (1)
- log construction equipment shed (1)
- London (5)
- Long Beach Swap (15)
- Lookie What I Done (5)
- Los Roads (1)
- Lost roads (1)
- loud (1)
- Lowbrow Customs (1)
- lube (1)
- lubrication (1)
- Lucu (1)
- lyrics (2)
- Machine gun (1)
- madness (2)
- magazine (1)
- Magazine (12)
- Magazine Cover (23)
- Maggie Valley (6)
- Magnat-Debon (1)
- Main Street (1)
- maintenance (1)
- Makes and Models (1)
- male riders (3)
- Manly Beer Review (1)
- manufacturer (1)
- maps (1)
- MARCH (1)
- Marietta (2)
- Marlon Brando (1)
- Mars Hill NC (2)
- Mary Murphy (1)
- Master cylinder (1)
- Matchless (4)
- Matchless SS100 (1)
- matic (2)
- MC (1)
- mc-5 (1)
- mccalmont (1)
- McGehee (1)
- Mean Street Riders (1)
- MeanStreet Riders (1)
- mechanic (1)
- Mechanical Problems (2)
- Media (1)
- meigelli 250 (1)
- meigelli 250 RV/RE (1)
- memphis (1)
- Men on Motorcycles (8)
- men riders (13)
- Men's (1)
- men's jackets (1)
- Mensfile (7)
- Mercedes (1)
- Merkel Motorcycles (1)
- mesh (1)
- Messerschmitt (1)
- metal fabrication (1)
- Mexico (1)
- MIA/Missing (1)
- Miami Cycle (1)
- Microcars (1)
- Middleboro (1)
- midlife (2)
- Milestone (2)
- Millard Lampell (1)
- Milwaukee (2)
- Miner's Memorial (1)
- minerva (1)
- mini bikes (13)
- mio (1)
- mio j (1)
- Mission One (1)
- Mission-R (1)
- mistress (14)
- Mitsubishi (1)
- MKI (1)
- mobil 1 (1)
- mobylette (1)
- mod (1)
- model (1)
- model trains (1)
- Models (5)
- Modifikasi (9)
- modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion (3)
- Modifikasi Yamaha V-xion Rasa R6 (1)
- Mods (1)
- Monet Goyon (2)
- Mono Shock Frames (2)
- Monster Motorcycle (1)
- Montlhéry (4)
- Morganton Loop ride (1)
- Morgantown (1)
- Mother Goose House (1)
- Motion Pro (1)
- Moto Guzzi (15)
- motogp (3)
- motor legend (9)
- motor scooter pictures (2)
- motor scooters (6)
- Motor Trike (1)
- motorcycle (84)
- motorcycle accidents (6)
- motorcycle ad. (1)
- motorcycle advertising (1)
- motorcycle advocate group (1)
- motorcycle airbag (1)
- motorcycle art (2)
- motorcycle articles (2)
- motorcycle associations (1)
- motorcycle beginners (5)
- motorcycle blogs (11)
- motorcycle book reviews (2)
- motorcycle books (3)
- motorcycle challange (1)
- motorcycle cleaning (1)
- motorcycle club (1)
- motorcycle clubs (2)
- motorcycle dictionary (1)
- motorcycle discrimination (1)
- motorcycle endurance runs (1)
- motorcycle engines (1)
- Motorcycle FAQ (1)
- motorcycle fatalities (3)
- motorcycle films (1)
- motorcycle funerals (1)
- motorcycle glossary (2)
- motorcycle groups (1)
- motorcycle haiku poems (2)
- motorcycle history (9)
- Motorcycle History (32)
- motorcycle humor (1)
- motorcycle insurance (1)
- motorcycle jokes (1)
- motorcycle laws (1)
- motorcycle maintenance (131)
- motorcycle makes and models (1)
- motorcycle models (1)
- motorcycle movies (3)
- motorcycle museums (1)
- motorcycle newbies (3)
- motorcycle parts (1)
- motorcycle pictures (223)
- motorcycle pictures of the week (151)
- motorcycle pictures of the year (4)
- motorcycle polls (1)
- motorcycle racing (4)
- motorcycle rallies (14)
- motorcycle recalls (156)
- motorcycle rides (3)
- motorcycle riding (2)
- motorcycle road tests (2)
- motorcycle roads in Tennessee (3)
- motorcycle safety (125)
- motorcycle safety classes (6)
- Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic Rider Course (1)
- motorcycle sales (1)
- Motorcycle Show (1)
- Motorcycle show review news photos vintage bikes (3)
- Motorcycle sidecar (1)
- motorcycle sidecars (1)
- motorcycle stories (8)
- motorcycle stunts (1)
- motorcycle tales (3)
- motorcycle terms (2)
- motorcycle testing (2)
- motorcycle theme rides (1)
- motorcycle tips (1)
- motorcycle touring (4)
- motorcycle track (1)
- motorcycle trade-in (1)
- motorcycle training (3)
- motorcycle trials (1)
- motorcycle trikes (7)
- motorcycle trips (11)
- motorcycle TV shows (2)
- motorcycle user reviews (3)
- motorcycle videos (25)
- motorcycle views (1)
- motorcycles (121)
- Motorcycles Are Totally Awesome (13)
- motorcycling (9)
- motorycles (1)
- Mountain Empire Model Railroaders (1)
- Mountain Views (1)
- Mountains (1)
- movies (18)
- msf (6)
- MSF (1)
- muck mucks (1)
- muddy roads (1)
- mugger (1)
- Mules (1)
- Murcielago (1)
- musemum (1)
- Museum (5)
- music (21)
- Music (2)
- Mv agusta (1)
- MV Agusta (2)
- my (1)
- My American Masterpiece (1)
- MY ART (78)
- My History (18)
- My Stuff (5)
- N Gauge (1)
- N.Y.C (2)
- Napier Railton (1)
- NASCAR (1)
- Nashville (1)
- Nashville Tennessee (1)
- Nasty Nez (2)
- Natchez Trace (1)
- National Banner (1)
- National Cemetery (1)
- Native American maiden (1)
- Native American Pow Wow (1)
- Native Americans (2)
- Natural Tunnel State Park VA (1)
- nautilus (1)
- Navtive American Fest (1)
- neck fatigue (1)
- Neoprene (1)
- Nevada (1)
- new (18)
- New bills (1)
- new rider (1)
- New Scorpio Z (1)
- Newport TN. (1)
- news (27)
- News (27)
- news photos (1)
- night (1)
- Nikon D3000 (1)
- noise (1)
- Nolan Helmet (2)
- non-motorcycle (1)
- Non-profit (1)
- nonobject (1)
- North Carolina (3)
- North Carolina Mountains (1)
- north texas (1)
- Norton (55)
- Norton Commando (1)
- Nothing's Cool Anymore (1)
- Nougier (1)
- OCC (2)
- odd (1)
- odd motorcycles (1)
- odors (1)
- OEC Temple (1)
- OEM (1)
- off (1)
- offset (1)
- OHC Sq 4 (1)
- ohio (1)
- oil (2)
- Oklahoma (2)
- old (1)
- old motorcycles (1)
- old barns (2)
- old bikes (1)
- Old Butler Days (1)
- Old Cars (2)
- old chevys (1)
- Old H-D Photos (9)
- Old Log Cabin (1)
- old motorcycles (2)
- Old Movie Theater (1)
- old photos (2)
- oldest church in Tennessee (1)
- open (1)
- opinion (1)
- Opinion (18)
- Orange County Choppers (3)
- organization (3)
- organizations (1)
- osi (1)
- Other Blogs (1)
- Other's Art (62)
- Our rides (2)
- out of gas (1)
- Outlaw series (1)
- Outlaws (12)
- overgrown (1)
- overhead valves (1)
- overpass and trains (1)
- P200FS (8)
- P200NS (16)
- P220 (3)
- packing (1)
- painter (7)
- paintings (1)
- Paintings (2)
- panhead (1)
- Panther (2)
- Panther Motors (1)
- Panzer (1)
- Parable of the Good Samaritan (1)
- Paris (4)
- Parking (1)
- Parking space (1)
- parts (13)
- Parts and Accessories (2)
- Party (3)
- Passenger car (1)
- PAUL (1)
- Paul Teutul Sr (1)
- pcx (1)
- pcx 125 (1)
- pcx 150 (1)
- Peachey (1)
- Peanuts Snoopy (1)
- pecos (1)
- Peeps (1)
- pegs (1)
- pepper (1)
- Pete Millar (5)
- Pete Seeger (1)
- Peter Lenz (1)
- Peter Starr (1)
- Peugeot (1)
- photo (1)
- Photo log of TN (1)
- Photographer (28)
- Photographers (3)
- photography (3)
- Photography (24)
- photograpy (1)
- photos (9)
- Piaggio (11)
- picture (1)
- Pictures (6)
- Pierce Butler (1)
- Pine Canyon Road (1)
- Pinnicle Overlook (1)
- pipes (1)
- Pirsig (1)
- pistons (2)
- Pittman Center TN. Parrotville TN (1)
- planes (1)
- Plant (1)
- poem (1)
- poetry (1)
- polar bear grand tour (58)
- polar bear runs (57)
- Polaris (4)
- political (1)
- Political Rant (1)
- Politics (4)
- Pop Quiz (1)
- Porsche (2)
- Portugal (2)
- posers (1)
- post (2)
- poster (1)
- Pow Wow (1)
- Pow-wow (1)
- pr (2)
- practice (1)
- Premier (1)
- press (3)
- Press release (1)
- Primitive roads (1)
- prints (1)
- Product review (2)
- products (1)
- progress (1)
- Progressive (5)
- Promotion (1)
- protection (6)
- public service (1)
- Publications (1)
- published (2)
- Pulsar (3)
- Pulsar 135 (1)
- Pulsar 180 (1)
- pulsar 220 (2)
- purchasing (2)
- purpose (1)
- Push Rods (2)
- Quail Lodge (1)
- quality (1)
- queen of Flames (1)
- quotes (1)
- R1 (1)
- R15 (1)
- R15 v2.0 (1)
- R6 (1)
- race (4)
- Racer (7)
- racing (20)
- Radial 5 cylinder engine (1)
- Raffle (2)
- rags (1)
- rail road tracks (1)
- Railroad Station (1)
- rain (5)
- Rain (3)
- rally (1)
- Random Radness (4)
- Random Thoughts (1)
- Randy Smith (3)
- Reader's Ride (8)
- reading (18)
- reasons (1)
- reciprocal (1)
- recommended (5)
- Recreation (8)
- Red Hunter (1)
- Red River (2)
- Red River Gorge (1)
- reference (9)
- release (1)
- Religion (1)
- repair (3)
- repairs (1)
- Residents (1)
- Resolve.... (1)
- Restaurant (2)
- restoration (1)
- retro (1)
- retro sales ad (1)
- Reventon (1)
- reverse trikes (1)
- review (35)
- Reviews (1)
- revzilla (1)
- Rice Plantations (1)
- Richard Nixon (1)
- Rick Block (1)
- Rick Fairless (1)
- Rickman (1)
- ride (16)
- RIDE (1)
- Ride To Work (1)
- rider (8)
- riders (1)
- rides (2)
- RIDES (1)
- rides that go nowhere (1)
- riding (32)
- RIDING (1)
- riding tips (1)
- Ring of Fire (1)
- river (1)
- river otter (1)
- road (5)
- Road (2)
- Road King (1)
- road trip (2)
- roadracing (1)
- roads (1)
- Roads and Highways (1)
- Roan Mountain (4)
- rock (1)
- Rock and Roll (2)
- rock face (1)
- Rockers (1)
- Rocket III (2)
- Rockingham Speedway (1)
- Rodent (1)
- rogers (1)
- Rogersville (1)
- Rogersville Dam (1)
- Rogue (1)
- rolling hills (1)
- rolling thunder (3)
- Rolling Thunder riders (1)
- Ronald Charteris (1)
- Ronceverte West Virginia (1)
- Rorch (1)
- Rose Hill Va. (1)
- Rotten (1)
- Route 91 (1)
- Royal Endfield (4)
- Royal Enfield (1)
- royal purple (1)
- RT-125 (1)
- rtm (1)
- Ruby (3)
- Rudge (7)
- RUNS (1)
- Rural Retreat VA. (1)
- Rush hour (1)
- rust (1)
- saddle (1)
- saddlebag (1)
- safety (34)
- sale (1)
- Sam Black Church (1)
- Sam Morgan (1)
- SAMIAM (1)
- San Antonio (1)
- San Francisco (3)
- Sandbar Road (1)
- Sarolea (1)
- Satire (1)
- Satria Fu 150 (1)
- Save (1)
- savings (1)
- Scaring Cagers (1)
- scenic roads (1)
- scents (1)
- School (1)
- Schools (1)
- scoopy (1)
- Scooter (1)
- scooters (2)
- Scott (1)
- Sculptor (1)
- Seanic Roadways (1)
- Search (1)
- Search Engine (1)
- searching (1)
- season (1)
- SEMA (1)
- SENIOR (1)
- Servi-Car (1)
- service (3)
- shades (2)
- Shadow (1)
- Shady Valley (2)
- Shameless Plug (2)
- shiftless motorcycles (1)
- shoddy (1)
- Shoe polish (1)
- shoes (2)
- Shopping (11)
- show (16)
- Show (2)
- Shows (42)
- SHOWS (1)
- Side (1)
- side effects (1)
- sidecar (1)
- Sidecar racing (1)
- sidecars (1)
- Sinking Springs (1)
- Siren (1)
- Sirens Song (1)
- Skate (2)
- Slick Willy's Choppers (1)
- Slow Speed Jet (1)
- sly moves (1)
- smage (1)
- smells (1)
- Smoking gun (1)
- sneaky (1)
- Sneedville TN (1)
- Snortin Norton (1)
- snow mobile (1)
- snowbike (1)
- Social (1)
- social media (1)
- Sociology (1)
- soda (1)
- Song (1)
- songs (1)
- Sons of Anarchy (1)
- Sopwith Aveation Company (1)
- sound (1)
- South Bay Style (44)
- South Beloit (1)
- Southern VA. Museum (1)
- Southsiders (2)
- Southsiders babes (31)
- Southsiders Store (17)
- spain (5)
- spartan (1)
- special (1)
- speedweek (1)
- spicey (1)
- sport (3)
- Sport (2)
- Sport utility vehicle (1)
- Sportbikes (1)
- Sports (1)
- Sportster (11)
- Sportster pictures (7)
- sportsters (1)
- Sportsters (35)
- spring (3)
- spring frame (1)
- Springs Oil Tanks (1)
- Sprinters (1)
- Spyder (8)
- SR 19E (1)
- SR 44 East (1)
- SR394 (1)
- SR421 The Snake (2)
- ST. Paul VA. (1)
- Stallion (2)
- star (2)
- starting (1)
- State Troopers (1)
- Stators (1)
- stebel (1)
- Sterling Consulting Corp (1)
- Stetson (1)
- Stony Creek TN (1)
- store (1)
- Store (4)
- stores (2)
- stories (2)
- storms (3)
- story (4)
- Story Time (3)
- strange (1)
- streamlining (1)
- Streams (1)
- Street culture (1)
- Strokers (1)
- Structural Engineering (1)
- Stuff I've Seen (2)
- stunt (1)
- Stunts (1)
- Sturgis (6)
- Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (5)
- Sturgis Rally (5)
- styles (1)
- Suede (1)
- Sugar Grove NC (1)
- Suggestions? (1)
- Summer plans (1)
- Sunbeam (1)
- sunburn (1)
- Sunglasses (2)
- Super 8 Motel (1)
- supercars (3)
- support (1)
- surfing (23)
- sustainable green motorcycle (1)
- SuthBros (6)
- Suzuki (12)
- Swaggerty Fort (1)
- swap meet (1)
- swap-meet (4)
- Switch Back Creek Campground (1)
- Switchblade airplane (1)
- Switchblade motorcycle (1)
- Sycamore Shoals (1)
- symptoms (1)
- synchronized driving (1)
- system (1)
- t-clocs (1)
- t-shirt (1)
- T-Shirt Design (10)
- tabacco barn (1)
- Tactical (1)
- tactics (1)
- Tania (1)
- Tank Art (11)
- Tattoo Art (1)
- Taylorsville NC (1)
- TCB (3)
- technique (1)
- Technology (1)
- teepees (1)
- Tellico Plains TN (1)
- temperature (1)
- Tennessee (2)
- tent (1)
- Terrot (2)
- tes ride (3)
- test (1)
- TEUTUL (1)
- texan (1)
- texas (8)
- Texas Hill Country (1)
- Texas State Fair (1)
- Texas State Highway 289 (1)
- thanksgiving (1)
- that's life baby (2)
- The 70's (2)
- The Breaks State Park (1)
- The Curator (1)
- The Elk Motorcycle (1)
- The Rock Inn (1)
- The Snake (1)
- The Wild One (1)
- These Are The Things I Think About (11)
- Things Made Better By Adding Motorcycles (3)
- thinsulate (1)
- This is Awesome (11)
- This Month's Header (36)
- This Sucks (6)
- THOR (1)
- Thoroughbred (1)
- thunder (1)
- Thunder Cycle Design (1)
- thunder roads (1)
- TIME (1)
- tips (15)
- TN-66 (1)
- toggs (1)
- Tom Dula (1)
- tombstone (1)
- tombstones (1)
- tone (1)
- too (1)
- Top End rebuild (1)
- torch (30)
- torch's (1)
- Tornado (1)
- touch (1)
- Toulouse (1)
- touring (1)
- touring tips (1)
- Toys (1)
- Trade TN. Trade Days (1)
- Traffic light (1)
- Traffic sign (1)
- train on bridge (1)
- training (5)
- Transportation (1)
- Transverse mounted engine (1)
- travel (3)
- Travel (25)
- travel log books (1)
- travel report (1)
- Travelogues (2)
- trees in foliage (1)
- Tri-Glide (1)
- trial (2)
- TRIBSA (1)
- trike pictures (6)
- trikes (12)
- Trikes (18)
- trip (7)
- Triple S Harley Davidson (1)
- triton (3)
- triumph (1)
- Triumph (45)
- Triumphs (5)
- troubleshooting (1)
- turn signal (1)
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